Knowledge + Support
Truss Inspections, truss repairs, operating manuals and much more
Operating + Maintenance Manual
Operating and Maintenance Manual
In the interest of providing our customers with the correct information to use our products you can use this page to download our latest operating manual. This page will periodically be updated accordingly.
Arean Deck Operating + Maintenance Manual
Arena Deck Operating and Maintenance Manual
In the interest of providing our customers with the correct information to use our products you can use this page to download our latest operating manual. This page will periodically be updated accordingly.
TSG Load Data Booklet
TSG Load Data Booklet
Our popular Truss loading booklet has been updated and made available for download.
It should be noted that the datasheets on the respective product pages will be updated in due course where this differs to the Load data booklet.
Version 5.4; 28.11.2024
Maxibeam updated
OV40 with centre bar added.
Version 5.3; 03.10.2024
TPL and QPL Statements added to certain load charts clarifying updated loading figures
Version 5.0; 20.02.2024
GS Truss, Minibeam, Superbeam, EHD, SHD, SMD, SLD load charts updated
Super Folding load chart added
Cantilever load diagrams added
Version 4.4; 01.04.2021
GS Truss loading information updated to Eurocode and EN17115.
Litebeam title changed to reflect chart information
Version 4.3; 03.02.2020
Super Beam loading information updated to Eurocode and EN17115.
EHD load chart figures correct for CPL, TPL and QPL
Fax number remove
Version 4.2; 09.02.2019
RUP Moving Light Truss added.
Various statement improvements on the contents page
Version 4.1; 27.04.2018
SMD load chart updated.
Version 4; 31.01.2017
Additional text added to contents page
Lifting and Slinging Trusses text updated
Light Duty, Medium Duty and Heavy Duty load charts updated.
SLD, SMD, SHD and EHD load charts updated.
Superbeam load charts updated.
New Pickup diagrams for OV, LB and LX trusses
Inspection Guidelines updated
Version 3; 07.07.2017
Updated corporate design
OV range added
Products re ordered into shape and size
New contents page added
Lifting and Slinging Trusses text updated
Light Duty, Medium Duty and Heavy Duty load charts updated.
New Slinging diagrams for Ladder, Tri and Square trusses
Inspection Guidelines updated
Notes pages added
ICoPER - International Code of Practice
The ICoPER project has been in development for some time, the original idea coming from Holland at the first PLASA Rigging Conference.
The project evolved from this and the need to find common ground between the National Rigging Certificate and the ETCP.
The Code provides a model for those engaged in planning, managing and executing entertainment rigging by taking a long range view of the necessary considerations in writing a rigging code of practice, venue rigging operational policy and the competencies required.
Archived Datasheets
Truss Inspection Criteria
Truss Inspection Criteria
This list of criteria can only be used with Total Solutions Group manufactured trusses due to our compliance with prEN 17115 and previously BS 7905-2. These inspection criteria should never be used on trusses NOT complying with these standards.