Front Peak Roof Systems – Roofs
Front Peak systems have the slope of the canopy structure running front to back stage allowing for its distincive front curve which acts as excellent weather protection to the front of the stage. The canopy normally sits atop a standard grid of truss and towers allowing for the use of a large amount of standard equipment.
Features at a glance
12 m - 32 m
Nominal 5000 - 30,000 kg's
Fork End : TP pins & R3 Clips; TFT pins & R3 Clips
Front Peak systems have the slope of the canopy structure running front to back stage allowing for its distincive front curve which acts as excellent weather protection to the front of the stage. The canopy normally sits atop a standard grid of truss and towers allowing for the use of a large amount of standard equipment. All systems utilise kader guides for ease of fixing the sheeting. An updated design allows for a double hung main grid. Both the lower and upper grids, once joined together with simple structural elements produce one huge truss giving un paralled loading capacity whilst still keeping a large amount of standard components. The advantage of this is that you can use smaller trusses to achieve the loading of much larger trusses that would be very unfriendly to use.